First meeting Program Council Circular Plastics NL

On Tuesday, April 11, the first program council meeting of Circular Plastics NL (CPNL) took place. Chairman of the board Bert van der Zwaan warmly welcomed the 9 council members. With much positive energy, the board and CPNL team discussed the opportunities for making the plastics chain circular by 2050 with the CPNL program, an initiative of the National Growth Fund.
Council members are committed to improving and accelerating the program so that the program lines together form the foundation for an efficient and inclusive ecosystem for circular plastics. They recommend ensuring that the rollout of the program remains in line with current industry development and knowledge available in the Netherlands. The program embraces fundamental research to scale-up.
What is the role of the program council?
Program Council members are an important liaison with industry, government and knowledge institutions. They represent an industry or participate in the program council in a personal capacity. It is expected to expand the council after the summer for broader representation and even greater reach.
Current program council members:
- Drea Berghorst, Director Plastics Europe
- Jacques Joosten, Chairman of the board DPI
- Taco van der Maten, Segment manager MalvernPanalytical
- Gerben Meier, Director of R&D LyondellBasell
- Klaartje Rietkerken-van Gaans, ISPT operational director
- Jan Roos, Director of Sustainability Teijin Aramid
- Hans Tanger, Director OPACKGROUP BV
- Bert Weckhuysen, Professor at Utrecht University
- Helene van Zutphen, Director of Innovation, Packaging Waste Fund Foundation
Read more about the CPNL organization here.
Circular Plastics NL (CPNL) is an initiative within the National Growth Fund. The goal is to make plastics fully circular and use subsidies to accelerate the transition. The program runs for eight years and has eight program lines. The program lines focus on bottlenecks in various value chains to close the cycles for existing plastics, including showcases to realize material and process innovations for circular plastics to work towards 100% circularity in 2050 and to provide sustainable growth opportunities for the Dutch economy. New materials are being developed that can replace materials that are difficult to recycle in the future.Specific cycles can be closed in showcases.