Laying the scientific foundation for technology of the future

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Incubator Program

One of the eight program lines of Circular Plastics NL (CPNL) is the incubator, where knowledge institutions can work with companies to explore promising materials, characterization methods, process techniques and recycling methods.

This incubator program line has several goals. It provides a scientific and technological knowledge base for the other programs, it trains a new generation of highly qualified scientists and engineers, and it creates new technology fields that stimulate the Dutch industry of the future.

Maurits Boeije program manager for 'incubator' at Circular Plastics NL

In this position, Maurits Boeije is responsible for this part of the National Growth Fund program Circular Plastics NL, in which industry and research collaborate to technologically innovate and make the value chain of plastic products circular.

He takes care of the operational and organizational activities associated with the grant application to be issued and projects resulting from it in order to ensure acceleration of developments in the industry and realization of the program goals. In addition to manager for the incubator, Maurits is secretary for the CPNL board.

"It is important that there is room for innovative ideas where both universities, colleges and TO2 institutions can contribute together with companies. I hope that this eight-year program can lead to new materials or technologies that can find the market through startups, for example. On the other hand, I hope that contemporary real-world problems can be solved with scientific knowledge."

NWO expects publication for incubator in October.

To meet the CPNL goals, research can be conducted on new materials (polymers) through the NWO call Making Plastics Circular: Technical Innovations, more effective characterization, sorting and waste technologies and recycling techniques for plastics.

Research can include developing materials and additives that make the process of recycling plastics easier. Development of more efficient and effective characterization, sorting and washing technologies can also be investigated. Furthermore, new recycling methods that are not yet widely used and make recycling more efficient can be examined. There is also room for research into the creation, prevention or mitigation of microplastics in the recycling process.

The announcement of the proposed research program through NWO, with the possibility of applying for funding, will be published via a call for proposals through the 'Staatscourant'. Six million euros is available for research from which up toten research proposals will be awarded. The studies will run for five years.

'From industry to start-ups'

"It is inspiring to see that so many different parties in this program want to work together for a circular future. We all have a responsibility to address these challenges now so that we make a better future for our children. I am happy to contribute to this and want to bring private parties, from industry to startups together with public parties, from government to civil society organizations. As program manager, I would like to contribute to making our plastics industry, said Maurits Boeije about CPNL's incubator program."

Marc Spekreijse, general manager Circular Plastics NL:

"We are delighted that Maurits is taking charge of the incubator within our program. With his academic background and experience within NWO and the Top Sector Chemicals, he adds great value in setting up the calls for scientific research. We look forward to a quick and effective start of the program and trust that Maurits together with NWO will be able to facilitate the scientific research needed to make the plastics chain circular."

Program manager incubator

About Maurits Boeije

Maurice Boeije is an experienced professional with a broad background in the field of materials and policy. As secretary of the National Platform Plastics Recycling, he was closely involved in the development of the Circular Plastics initiative. Previously, he has worked at NWO and the Top Sector Chemistry on various themes, including electrification of the chemical industry and advanced materials. Furthermore, he was secretary of the working community chemical conversion. He has a master's degree in solid state chemistry obtained at Radboud University and received his doctorate from TU Delft on solid state physics. He then worked for a few years at VSPARTICLE, a startup that helps researchers helps in the synthesis of nanomaterials. There he contributed to two chapters of a book on spark ablation with a focus on various applications and synthesis. Before working full-time as secretary of the board, Maurits worked for several years at NWO.


More information and matchmaking

Are you involved in a research organization focused on technical innovations to make plastics circular? Through the incubator, we are looking for knowledge institutes that can conduct research on developing materials and additives that facilitate the recycling process of plastics. Then sign up for the online information sessions or come to the CPNL afternoon session on Thursday, Sept. 21 in the Bosch Hall during the Plastics Fair in Den Bosch.

On Sept. 21 from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m., CPNL is hosting collaborative workshops in the Bosch Room to bring interested parties together and support them in arriving at an application.

On Oct. 12 from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, CPNL, RVO and NWO are hosting a matchmaking morning to bring together and support parties interested in making an application.

In total, we are seeking 10 research proposals for a 5-year term that can be considered for the NWO call, with 6 million euros available and expected to open in October.




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