To start 2024 well-equipped and informed, CPNL has introduced a knowledge counter. This knowledge page on the CPNL website is an independent "library," providing information and learning opportunities to respond and act in the world around us. This enables us to stay at the forefront of developments in circular plastics markets and policies. We will update the list of publications and articles monthly and share updates in the newsletter.
3 Tips for the Holidays
To conclude 2023, we have compiled a top 3 from the community. The knowledge page provides access to online information that helps build (academic) knowledge and features, and ultimately contributes to circularity for plastics.
#1 Circular Plastic Podcasts from Topsoe
#2 Reveals on Advances in Chemical Recycling by Professor Kevin van Geem
#3 Plastic raw materials for recycling in the Netherlands report by KPMG
Explore the CPNL knowledge page here!