Looking for methods or processes to separate additives

Program styrene-based materials (PS, ABS, HIPS)
One of Circular Plastics NL's (CPNL) eight program lines focuses on styrene-based materials: polystyrene, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and high-impact polystyrene (HIPS). These styrene-based plastics have been widely used in the construction, electronics and automotive industries for years.
Previously produced styrenics contain so-called legacy additives that no longer meet current standards and/or halogenated flame retardants. The presence of additives that are no longer permitted mean a brake on the possibilities in mechanical recycling. In chemical recycling, halogenated flame retardants as contaminants also cause problems.
This program line looks for methods or processes to enable styrene-based materials to be recycled in a valuable way and, where present, to separate these additives from the polymer material. Tom Claessen started as program manager for this part of the CPNL program: "CPNL wants to bring parties together to search for new processes and techniques to reuse end-of-life styrenics from the construction, electronics and automotive industries as raw materials. We are thinking of new sorting technologies, process improvements, dissolution or thermochemical techniques or depolymerization. In the program we also foresee a pilot and demo facility to start scaling up to industrial scale."
Tom Claessen program manager for styrene-basedmaterials at Circular Plastics NL
In this position, Tom is responsible for this part of the National Growth Fund program Circular Plastics NL, in which industry and research collaborate to technologically innovate and make the value chain of plastic products circular.
He takes care of the operational and organizational activities associated with the grant application to be issued and projects resulting from it in order to ensure acceleration of industry developments and realization of program goals.
Marc Spekreijse, managing director Circular Plastics NL:
"We are very pleased with the arrival of Tom on our team. He has broad experience and background in both recycling and also (polymer) materials and oversees the impact in value chains. As a bridge builder he will be able to bring together various interested parties and from our program support."
About Tom Claessen
Tom Claessen is a Bioengineer Interphase Chemistry (KU Leuven), alumnus of Vlerick Managent School and has 15 years of experience in application development, recycling and compoundering of engineering plastics. Tom started his career at Ravago Group where as technical account manager, product manager and automotive team manager he got a broad pall on the different aspects of the plastics value chain. In addition, Tom was/is also active in the development of bio-aromatic chemicals and bio-based waste stream valorization at Cardolite Corporation, KU Leuven, VIT0, Avantium.
'Urban mining as the basis for our new industry'
"Styrene-based materials represent a significant share of our waste stream due to their widespread presence in building products, electrical and electronic appliances and automotive applications. Although styrenics are valuable materials and Western Europe constantly needs new styrenics for the production of new products and components, end-of-life products made of styrene-based materials are currently only recycled to a limited extent. The recycling rate of these materials must increase. After all, recycling these valuable raw materials from our (urban) waste stream is not only good for climate and environment. It will also help our local manufacturing industry become less dependent on foreign feedstock suppliers. As program manager, I would like to contribute to making our plastics industry more circular."