Information and matchmaking meeting

Invitation matchmaking Circular Plastics NL Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023
An information and matchmaking meeting for the upcoming calls of Circular Plastics NL will take place on October 12 at the Geertekerk in Utrecht. CPNL, RVO and NWO invite researchers (alpha, beta and gamma), companies and civil society organizations to attend. Would you like to register for this meeting? Then complete the registration form below by October 10, 2023. Participation in the meeting is free of charge.
Matchmaking for:
- Entrepreneurs
- Researchers
- Industry/social organizations
This matchmaking morning of the CPNL program is dedicated to the calls for 2023. From 9:00 am the doors of the Geertekerk in Utrecht will be open to meet other interested parties and get information from the program managers and representatives of NWO and RVO. Professionals in the polymer industry, waste processors and recycling experts are explicitly invited to match their ideas and knowledge with the upcoming grant schemes.
In October 2023, the NWO call for proposals Plastics making circular: technical innovations for scientific research for the CPNL incubator (p8) will be launched. This allows research into new materials or recycling technologies with the goal of making plastics more and better recyclable, including any necessary dyes and excipients/additives that turn a polymer into a plastic. For this program component, €6 mln is available in 2023 for award to 10 projects. The call for proposals will be open to broad consortia in which researchers and entrepreneurs work together. In the call for proposals all information can be read after.
In October 2023, the grant scheme with generic 3 research projects and 9 showcases for CPNL will be released through a tender through Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) for innovative projects for the following topics:
Research projects:
P2. Characterization, sorting and washing
Research project for characterization technology (2M€)
Research project for digital expert system in plastic waste sorting (1.2M€)
Research project on pretreatment and sorting techniques for synthetic rubber from tires (1.5M€)
P3. Recycling of Polyolefin Packaging
Recycling of rigid PP/(HD)PE packaging (€7.8M)
Recycling of (L)LDPE films (8.7M€).
P4. Recycling of styrene-based materials.
Showcase recycling of Styrene-based materials (3M€)
P5. Chemical depolymerization
Complex PET packaging (2.0 M€).
Polycotton-based textiles (5.0 M€)
Carpets (€2.4 million)
PU foams (€1.5 million)
Demo plant for chemical depolymerization of PET, PA and/or PU (9 M€)
P6 Thermochemical recycling
Recycling mixed plastic waste streams into new raw materials for plastic production (3M€)
During this physical meeting we want to bring together participants who have an idea in the various plastic value chains to contribute to circularity. And who, based on the complex interaction between the various value chains, are willing and able to help think of solutions. Both those with concrete ideas and those who are still exploring how and whether they can contribute with their expertise are cordially invited to participate. The aim of the matchmaking is to stimulate consortium formation by bringing parties into contact with each other. During the meeting you can ask questions, present your ideas to other experts and expand your network.
9:00 a.m. walk-in
9:30 a.m. explanation of CPNL program
10:00 a.m. explanation of NWO call for proposals
10:15 a.m. Explanation RVO tender
10:30 Matchmaking sessions
12:00 Lunch
Register and network directly through B2match
De matchmaking vindt fysiek plaats in de Geertekerk in Utrecht van 9:00 tot 13:00 uur. Aanmelden kan via het formulier hieronder tot en met 10 oktober. Binnenkort openen wij een netwerkomgeving op B2match. U kunt profielen van de andere deelnemers bekijken en u kunt 1 op 1 afspraken te maken met andere potentiële consortium deelnemers. U kunt vanaf 5 oktober >hier< deze omgeving verkennen en een profiel aanmaken. Wanneer u zich heeft aangemeld voor de onsite matchmaking in Utrecht ontvangt u automatisch een bericht om een profiel aan te maken op deze Circular Plastics NL B2Match website.
Registration for the meeting in Utrecht is unfortunately no longer possible.