Chemistry2 in the Circular Transition

Greenwise Campus innovation center
12:00 - 17:00

On November 28, the collaborating research groups Circular Plastics of NHL Stenden and Making Chemistry Sustainable of the Hanze organize the symposium Chemistry squared in the Circular Transition! Location is our innovation center.
Keynote speakers are Professor Francesco Picchioni of the University of Groningen and site manager of Teijin Aramid, Nina Huck.

Day Chairman
The chairman of the day is artist and speaker Maria Koijck. Maria won the 2021 Guiltless Plastic Prize in Milan.

Roundtable discussion
There will also be an exciting roundtable discussion of three startups that are successful in scaling their technology. Joost Paques of Paques Biomaterials, Marco Brons of Cure Technology and Ton Vries of BIOBTX will discuss the challenges and successes of a scaleup.

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