Matchmaking for chemical industry innovations (BE, NL, DE)

Van der Valk Breda
12.00 - 16.00

On May 31st, 2023, Flanders, North Rhein WestPhalia, and the Netherlands will organize a live matchmaking meeting for innovation collaboration within the chemical industry.

Circular Plastics NL will pitch the program and opportunities during the plenary part of the event program.

Following a previous meeting in March, initiated to enable innovations for the Trilateral region the innovation workgroup (VNCI /ChemistryNL/TNO) identified 25 unique projects for offering promising novel sustainable products and processes and open for a diversity of value chain, technology, or financial collaboration partners.

Live Matchmaking

This live event is organized to elaborate on these opportunities in more detail and meet the frontrunners behind these projects. Hoping to establish the initial contacts that lead to successful collaborations.

– Circular plastics (including sorting, washing, and characterization)
– CCU (CO/CO2 to feed, chemicals, fuels)
– Biobased feedstocks and chemicals

All projects are Technology Readiness Level 5 (TRL 5) or higher.

Specifically intended for
– industrial project leaders,
– developers and R&D,
– innovation – and industry policymakers,
– Parties interested in (cross-border) collaboration.

Do you want to join this meeting? Please register via

Programme tbc

Time What
12:00 – 12.30 Registration including lunch
12.35 – 12:40 Welcome & Introduction by Colette Alma-Zeestraten, chair
12:40 – 12:55  

Investment opportunities and programs in the Netherlands

Lara Engelfriet, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate

Investment opportunities and programs in Germany

speaker tbc

Investment opportunities and programs in Belgium

speaker tbc

13.00 – 14:00 Break-out sessions
Informal Matchmaking/ tabletop

Circular plastics



Pitches (Plenary room)

 Circular Plastics NL

BIG Cluster TBC

Program 3 TBC

14:00 – 14:30 Coffee break
14:30 – 15:30 Break-out sessions
Informal Matchmaking/ tabletop


Pitches (Plenary room)


15:30 End of program
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